Dope or Nope | UPS is Hiring


 Written by Bryan Staton 

I believe most people are con artist, chameleons, even shape shifters. Ignoring their true calling that all of us are given. You see, it’s free will and it’s God’s plan (Scorpion in stores now). Throughout American literature as well and cinema you can find instances where a person may have conned their way into a position, but ultimately couldn’t handle it. Let’s explore a few.

Iceberg Slim a/k/a Young Blood

I’m currently reading this book for the 4th time. I think our protagonist had mommy issues. Throughout his life he was told several times “you just don’t have it” Even though his stable got up to 5 whores he would loose just as easily as he got them. He admires pimps like Preston, Glass Top, and Sweet, but that was it he was just a fan. Still a great book though!!

Tony Montana a/k/a Scarface

This political “refugee” came to America during the boatlift from Cuba. Tony never told heed when in the presence of a real boss. He wanted the quick rise to the top without understanding easy come easy go. Not sure if the 48 Laws of Power was available at the time but habitually outshined the master not to mention getting high on his own supply. In my humble opinion Tony never supposed to be a boss, maybe an enforcer or a capo but not the head of an organization. Never 

Donald J Trump a/k/a Donald J Trump

This is America. This is our president. The business man, reality show star. The hair piece wearing, make a hoe into a house wife , make America hate again insecure white man is our president. Needless to say he has no political background but maybe no aspirations to be POTUS, but I’m sure the power will suffice. So just like the two previous examples, when you try to fill shoes that are twice your size the outcome is usually disastrous. 

In closing let me say on behalf of 1200 X Vintage Dope, don’t get lost in the sauce create your own. Scorpion in stores now!!! 

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